Computer Lab Sept. 17th
Write in your notebook 5 effects if all sea wáter become freshwater.
Computer Lab May 31st
Computer Lab April 19th
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1. Wrtie the three reasons why is nuclear energy terrible?
2. How many countries have developed their own weapons with the help of reactors?
3. What happens with the use of the plutonium?
4. Which country is using it?
5. How many countries use different reactors that produce tons of nuclear waste?
6. Which one is the one that has a permanent civilian waste storage?
7. How many years has been using the nuclear energy?
8. How many accidents had occured since then?
9. What are the major three countries that had suffered most of the consequences?
Computer Lab March 22nd
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1. Where do coal, oil, and natural gas come from?
2. What are some problems with the use of fossil fuels?
3. What is one of natural energy source?
4. Explain the process of how the wind generates energy.
5. How do photovoltaic cells convert sunlight directly to electricity?
6. How does hydroelectrical power work?
Computer Lab March 15th
Watch the video and write 5 important facts in your Earth Studies notebook.
Computer Lab February 15th
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1. What is the origin of the word Igneous?
2. Explain how the igneous rocks are formed.
3. Explain how is the intrusive iggneous rock formed.
4. Explain how is the extrusive igneous rock formed.
5. Write two examples of igneous rock.
6. What are the sediments from the sedimentary rock.
7. Where are the sedimentary rocks found?
8. Write 2 examples of sedimentary rock.
9. How are the metamorphic rocks formed?
10. Write 2 examples of metamorphic rocks.
11. What is the type of rock that we can find in the upper segment of the Earth's crust?
Computer Lab February 18th and 21th
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1. Define ocean.
2. Define lake.
3. Define river.
4. What contains the atmosphere?
5. What means atmos?
6. What is the name of the layer where the weather takes place?
7. Why is important the stratosphere?
8. Which layer is the coldest?
9. Where can we find satelites?
10. What is the name of the highest layer?
Computer Lab February 04th and 07th
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1. Name the four different parts of the Earth.
2. How is the Geosphere made of?
3. What is landform?
4. Write some landforms that are part of the Geosphere.
5. Where does the Word Bio come from and what it means?
6. How is the Biosphere made of?
7. What is biome?
Computer Lab Juanuary 28th and 31st
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1. What are the names of the four spheres which the Earth is divided?
2. What means the Word Geo and the Word Hydro?
3. Make a list of what includes the hydrosphere.
4. Make a list of what includes the geosphere.
5. Explain how they work togehter and write an example.
Computer Lab Juanuary 21st and 24th
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1. What is landform?
2. What is weathering?
3. What can cause weathering?
4. What is mechanical weathring?
5. What can cause mechanical weathering?
6. What is chemical weathering?
7. What can cause chemical weathering?
8. What is the difference between weathering and erosion?
9. What happened in the coast of Massachusetts from 1985 to 2014?
10. How is now Cape Cod divided?
11. How did it happen?
12. Write a conclusion of what you learned.
Computer Lab January 14th and 17th
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1. What are the sources of ocean currents?
2. What are the categories of currents?
3. What do Surface currents control?
4. What is the main element that affect the 2 categories of currents?
5. How is the movement of the gyres in the northern and in the southern hemispheres?
6. Why is the movement of the gyres like that?
7. What is Coriolis effect?
8. How is the water in the North?
9. What is the combination that forms the Global Conveyor Belt?
Computer Lab January 18th
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1. What is the name of the "puzzle pieces"?
2. How can be their movements?
3. What happens every time those pieces move?
4. What is the name in the surface where these plates slip?
5. What is the name of the place where the earthquake originates?
6. What is the name of the place where the earthquake occurs on the Earth surface?
7. What are the types of earthquakes?
8. What can be formed in a convergent earthquake?
9. What is formed in a divergent earthquake?
10. What is the instrument used to measure the intensity of an earthquake?
Computer Lab November 30th
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1. What happens if a jet stream dips down from the poles in the Winter?
2. What happens if a jet stream lifts back up?
3. What kind of cycle do water currents form?
4. What would happen if those water currents and jet streams wouldn't occur?
5. How would be the temperatures in the equator and the poles?
6. What happens when two masses of air with different temperatures and pressure meet?
7. What is a cold front?
8. What causes a cold front?
9. What kind of weather brings a warm front?
10. Write the conclusión.
Computer Lab November 23th
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1. What is the big question about?
2. What is weather?
3. What means severe weather?
4. What are some forms of severe weather?
5. What is a tornado?
6. How can be a tornado wind speed?
7. What are blizzards?
8. What are hurricanes?
9. What is another name to call the hurricanes?
10. What is a flood?
11. What is drought?
12. Beside of humans what else can damage a severe weather?
13. What big flows of rainwater can cause?
Computer Lab November 19th and 22nd
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1. What is the Word environment used to talk?
2. What means adaptation for an organism?
3. What happens when an environment change?
4. How was the Earth long time ago?
5. How were the characteristics of some animals long time ago?6. What happened to those animals?
7. What is the function of the plants in a food chain?
8. Explain what happened with the light and dark moths and their environment.
9. Write a conclusión.
Computer Lab November 16th
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1. Write the big question
2. What means the phrase direct sunlight?
3. What means the phrase indirect sunlight?
4. What happens if we have different temperatures in the planet?
5. How is the pressure in the equator?
6. What is a jet stream?
7. Where can we locate them?
8. How can be its speed?
9. What cause the interaction of air, land, wáter?
10. Write the conclusión of the video.
Computer Lab November 9th
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1.- Write the big question of the video.
2.- What is wind?
3.- What is pressure?
4.- What produces cool temperatures?
5.- What produces warm temperatures?
6.- What is a sea breeze?
7.- What is a land breeze?
8.- Write the conclusion of the video.
How are the winds in Neptune planet?
Computer Lab October 26th
Watch the video and write the following information:
- The name and one characteristic of each layer.
- What happens and/or what can you find in the layer. (if it is mentioned).
- The extension of the layer.
- How is the temperature in the layer. (if it is mentioned).
Computer Lab October 12th
Watch the video and write 5 facts you didn't know about the clouds. Then, copy the name of the different types of clouds and their meanings. At the end make a drawing of each type of a cloud.
Water Treatment
Copy in your Earth Study notebook the following drawing of the process of wáter treatment, write the title of each process.
*You may NOT PRINT the image. Otherwise, the homework won't count.
Computer Lab October 1st and 4th
Watch the video about fresh water and answer the following questions.
1. What is a desert?
2. How are the temperaturas in the desert during the day and during the night?
3. What is the amount of rainfall per year?
4. Where can we locate the deserts in our planet?
5. Make a concept web of the types of deserts and write one characteristics of each one.
6. Mention some examples of plants and animals you can find in the deserts.
Computer Lab September 28th
Watch the video about fresh water and answer the following questions.
1. Beside the energy from the food, what else do animals need to live?
2. What kind of water do we need to keep us alive?
3. Write the big question.
4. What is saltwater?
5. Where can we find fresh water?
6, What percent of the total amount of water on Earth is fresh water?
7. What percent of fresh water is frozen?
8. What percent is actually accessible to us?
9. Write the conclusion of the video.
Homework for Friday 22nd
Buy a worldwide map and represent the ocean currents as the image below. Use the same colors to identify the warm and the cold currents. Label the name of the oceans and places like in this map.
*If you are not able to buy it, you can try to do the drawing, it doesn't matter if the continents are not exactly like actually they are, the important in this work are the oceans and thier currents.
*Please don´t printed. Is important for you to locate and identify the warmer and colder places on Earth.
Computer Lab September 21st
Watch the video about ocean currents and answer the following questions.
1.- What are ocean currents?
2.- How are their direction influenced by?
3.- How is the circulation of the oceans in the northern hemisphere?
4.- How is the circulation of the oceans in the southern hemisphere?
5.- How is the temperature of the currents originated from the polar regions?
6.- How is the temperature of the currents originated from the equatorial regions?
Computer Lab September 14th
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1.- Write the Big Question of the video.
2.- What includes the hydrosphere?
3.- What includes the biosphere?
4.- What is an habitat?
5.- What happens as you move deeper into the water?
6.- What kind of organisms can we find in the top layer of the ocean?
7.- Write the name of the layers of the ocean according to the video.
8.- What is the salty layer with the highest pressure?
9.- What is the name of the layer where a few creatures live because of the conditions?
10.- Write the conclusion of the video.
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